Torchlight 2 transmute list

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Heal Bot is pretty much mandatory, and 5 or so points in Forcefield can save your butt against champions and bosses. You probably also want a lot of Heavy Lifting, for bonus damage and inherent stun chance, as well as a few points in Coup De Gras. Maybe a few points in to make it last long enough to be meaningful. Onslaught is pretty great for getting into a new mob of enemies, and the debuff isn't too shabby. I suppose you could develop it into a big damage-dealer, but Flame Hammer is more fun IMO. Ember Hammer is really great against big shielded enemies, but I'm not sure I see the need to put in more than one point. You can probably do without Seismic Slam, but it does have a base 64% chance to stun in an area around you, so could be helpful. They're reasonably useful, but situational for the most part. I do have one point in the first few melee skills as well, though. I've yet to find anything better for big AoE damage than Flame Hammer. Well, the first fire-hammer skill you get is actually quite good. I would prefer a minimum of ranged attack spam, openers are fine, but I want to drop fugtfohammers everywhar.

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I do know I want to beat face, and abuse that passive that procs on stunned mobs.